In 2004 LDU was born. It was a great success from the beginning. We never expected so many to listen. We never expected so many to write!
This is the text I wrote, when LDU was established in 2004. A lot of things have changed for me since, but this is the way I felt back then:
"Through the last couple of years I have happened to meet a lot of lost daughters. Some in Sweden. Others in Denmark, Spain and England.
I have noticed some common traits among the girls. I have also noticed that almost none of these girls want to talk about the missing contact to their father.
It's almost like we don't want to admit to others that we've been abandoned - just as if that would make it more real, or as if we don't want to identify ourselves with a person who's easy to run away from.
It's quite logical, in a way:
Just like everybody else we want to be loved. And if my father doesn't love me - then I might think that no-one else will too.
It occurred to me that being a so called lost daughter often means that you live in some sort of shame. If your father has left you, he has also indirectly told you that you're not good enough; That his eventual new family is better. Or that he doesn't have time for you. Place for you. Room for you.
Those things are hard to accept, especially if you've never been given a chance to stand up for yourself.
Knowledge and reasonability are rarely very good connected. For example, I know that my father didn't leave me because of me and my personality. I know that because he had never seen me, I wasn't even born, when he ran away. But it is really hard for me to understand this fact with my senses. It feels like he has left ME and ME because of ME."